What is this?
A web, or rather app, that collects AKB48 Group/Sakamichi Series songs’ chords.
App? Can I install it on my phone?
Of course! Just click “Add Chords to Home Screen” and it will install itself like a native app on your phone. Works on Android, not sure with iOS.
Who made this?
Welp. Let’s just say that I am called subject18. Anything else?
I wanna be involved with this. How can I help?
- You can contribute by improving the UI and offline-first feature. Just fork the project on its Github page, and pull it so I can (hopefully) merge it.
- You can contribute by improving the chords library. Either e-mail me the markdown file, or send me link to the markdown file to my Twitter.
- You can contribute by buying us (not just me, but us. It means all you those who use this app/web) a domain name for an easier access. If you rather donate to the project, please ask through my Twitter.
- You can also send me critics or requests through my Twitter.
How to write the markdown file?
layout: AKB48/Keyakizaka46/Nogizaka46/Hinatazaka46 //choose one
title: Title of the song. You get it.
## This is used to differentiate parts of the song
and write the chords like this for example:
## Intro
## Verse
Don’t forget to save it as “2019-05-30-titlewithoutspaceandcamelcase.md” Thanks!
How do you get those chords?
Earlier entries were collected from Rangga Pranendra’s Chord Tutorial. But I also threw some of my own entries. Entries sourced from various sources are and will be written “Taken from source”.
Anything else?
Just ask! It’s free anyway.